Purchase History

When you signed up and register for a webtokens wallet you agreed that all webtoken transaction are untraceable, anonymous and non-replaceable. 

When you make a deposit or a withdrawal you receive an email notification of the transaction. This is your only record of the transaction!

Keep in mind that to make a webtoken transaction you must be logged into your wallet using your private wallet username / associated email and 2 factor verification.

Your privacy and anonymity is utmost important to us.  

If you feel your wallet has been compromised please send us a TEXT to our customer Service department at 657-464-7183.

Webtokens are not replaceable!  Just like cold hard cash, once you give it to someone it’s gone. So be sure you want to make the transaction before you do.  Also just like a physical wallet if you loose your wallet and someone finds it you can bet that your cold hard cash that was in your wallet is gone. 

Protect your wallet login by using a private wallet user name, verify the email address associated with your wallet, use a long password and protect the two factor #.