Before you purchase!

Acquiring Webtokens on is a streamline processing utilizing the WebTokensCurrencyExchange platform.
It is important that you understand what WebToken Currency is and what it is all about. How you can use them, and why you should use them! If you are not familiar you should visit before acquiring any Webtoken currency.
Webtokens are like CASH for the web. Like cash, once you give them to someone you can’t get them back. There is no such thing as a refund or charge back. So before you complete any transaction be sure you without a doubt want to complete the transaction. accepts several currency payment options, such as debit cards, gift cards, credit cards, crypto currency, checks and cash. When using a debit card, credit card or other payment card you must be the authorized user of that payment card. Using a payment card that you are not authorized to use is identity fraud and is a federal offence.
When using a payment card such as a debit card, gift card or credit card to acquire Webtokens,  we as a currency exchange  are required to take extra steps to confirm that you are authorizing us to charge your payment card to convert USA$’s into wbetokens.
These steps are as follows:
1 – You complete the exchange transaction.
2 – You will receive an email transaction receipt. You must reply to that email with the words “Authorized”
3 – As a back up we may send you a text message asking you to confirm your transaction.
4 – Once your transaction has been confirmed and authorized, your Webtokens will be deposited into the user account you specified on check out. They then can be used.
Acquiring Webtokens is not immediate! Most transactions are completed in minutes but understand that the validation process can take time. The amount of time varies depending on how quickly the 3 step validation can take place.  Transactions not validated within 24 hours will be voided.
Currency exchanges can not be refunded.